Jesse Stone is a fictional character created by the late American author Robert B. Parker. Jesse Stone is the lead character in a series of detective novels written by Parker and later continued by Michael Brandman and Reed Farrel Coleman following Parker’s passing. Stone, a former minor league baseball player turned Los Angeles homicide detective, becomes the police chief of the fictional small town of Paradise, Massachusetts.
The character of Jesse Stone first appeared in the novel “Night Passage” in 1997, which marked the beginning of a series characterized by its engaging plots, complex characters, and exploration of personal and professional challenges. Stone’s character is known for his sharp instincts, deep sense of justice, and the personal demons he battles, including issues with alcohol and his complicated relationships.
Robert B. Parker’s Jesse Stone series gained widespread popularity, both in book form and in television adaptations, with actor Tom Selleck portraying the character in a series of TV movies. The novels are celebrated for their concise writing style, strong sense of place, and the development of the protagonist, who, despite his flaws, remains deeply committed to uncovering the truth and upholding the law.
Following Parker’s death in 2010, the Jesse Stone series was continued by Michael Brandman and later by Reed Farrel Coleman, who both maintained the essence of Stone’s character while introducing new elements to the storylines.
Jesse Stone, as a character, has left a significant mark in the crime and detective fiction genre, offering readers a multi-dimensional protagonist who navigates both the complexities of crime-solving and personal growth throughout the series.
Publication Order of Jesse Stone Books
Night Passage | (1997) |
Trouble in Paradise | (1998) |
Death in Paradise | (2001) |
Stone Cold | (2003) |
Sea Change | (2005) |
High Profile | (2007) |
Stranger in Paradise | (2008) |
Night and Day | (2009) |
Split Image | (2010) |
Killing The Blues | (2011) |
Fool Me Twice | (2012) |
Damned If You Do | (2013) |
Blind Spot | (2014) |
The Devil Wins | (2015) |
Debt to Pay | (2016) |
The Hangman’s Sonnet | (2018) |
Colorblind | (2018) |
The Bitterest Pill | (2019) |
Fool’s Paradise | (2020) |
Stone’s Throw | (2021) |
Fallout | (2022) |